Sunday, November 21, 2010

What group is the most bullied among today's youth?

The root cause of this groups abnormalities have yet to be determined. However, most think that it is a combination of "nature" (genetics) and "nurture" (upbringing.)

Members of this group have a high suicide rate.

Members of this group are ridiculed because of their temptations and their behaviors.

Members of this group are mocked because of their appearance and their mannerisms.

Members of this group are often ostracized by other kids.

Members of this group are usually not asked to school proms and dances.

Members of this group are usually not chosen for sports teams.

Michelle Obama has singled out this group as unacceptable.

Michelle Obama speaks about the abnormal and unhealthy behaviors of this group.

Michelle Obama has called for members of this group to change their behavior.

Michelle Obama has proposed legislation that will force members of this group to change their behavior.

Who is this group? They are "fat people".

I read a great article from the American Thinker that points out the hypocrisy of Joy Behar and her strong anti-Christian beliefs. This article is definitely worth the read: